Father of Chemistry

List of people considered father or mother of a scientific field

Those known as the father or mother of a scientific field are considered to be the founder of that scientific field. In some fields several people are considered the founders, while in others the title of being the "mother" or "father" is debatable. The father of science is Thales.


Subject Father/mother of … Reason
Atomic theory (early) Democritus Founder of atomism in cosmology
Atomic theory (modern) Father Roger Boscovich John Dalton  First coherent description of atomic theory, well over a century before modern atomic theory emerged
First scientific description of the atom as a building block for more complex structures
Chemical thermodynamics (modern) Gilbert Lewis, Willard Gibbs, Merle Randall, and Edward Guggenheim (founders) Books: Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances (1923) and Modern Thermodynamics by the Methods of Willard Gibbs (1933); because of the major contributions of these two books in unifying the applications of thermodynamics to chemistry
Chemistry (early) Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber) Introduced the experimental method in alchemy (d. 815)
Chemistry (modern) Antoine Lavoisier
Robert Boyle
Jöns Berzelius
John Dalton (founders)
Book: Elements of Chemistry (1787)
Book: The Sceptical Chymist (1661)
Development of chemical nomenclature (1800s)
Revival of atomic theory (1803)
Nuclear chemistry Otto Hahn Book: Applied Radiochemistry (1936)
First person to split an atomic nucleus (1938)
Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovery of nuclear fission (1944)
Periodic table Dmitri Mendeleev Arranged sixty-six elements (known at the time) in order of atomic weight by periodic intervals (1869)
Physical chemistry Svante Arrhenius
Wilhelm OstwaldHermann von Helmholtz
Willard Gibbs (founders)
Devised much of the theoretical foundation for physical chemistry through their publications off, On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances(1876), and Thermodynamik chemischer Vorgange(1882)

Earth sciences

Subject Father/mother of … Reason
Geochemistry (modern) Victor Goldschmidt For developing the Goldschmidt classification of elements.
Geodesy Eratosthenes
Geology (modern) Father Nicholas Steno
James Hutton
For setting down most of the principles of modern geology.
For formulating uniformitarianism and the Plutonic theory of thought.
Limnology (modern) G. Evelyn Hutchinson
Mathematical geography Eratosthenes (founder)
Mineralogy Georgius Agricola
Meteorology Matthew Fontaine Maury
Plate tectonics Alfred Wegener
Acoustical oceanography Leonid Brekhovskikh
Naval oceanography (modern) Matthew Fontaine Maury
Stratigraphy Father Nicholas Steno 

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