Study English - Series 3 IELTS Preparation

Study English - Series 3 IELTS Preparation

Study English - IELTS Preparation, is a series of English language programs for intermediate to advanced learners.

Series 3 Episodes

Episode One: IELTS Assessment Criteria
In this episode we look at some of the features that will be assessed in the writing and speaking modules.

Episode Two: Writing Task Response
In this episode we'll look at the writing task in the essay section of both the academic and general IELTS tests.

Episode Three: Coherence and Cohesion in Writing
In this episode we'll look at writing an essay and how to organise your ideas in a paragraph.

Episode Four: Sentence Types
This episode looks at sentence types and how to use them to demonstrate grammatical range and accuracy.

Episode Five: Vocabulary Range
This episode looks at strategies for meeting the vocabulary criteria used to assess IELTS candidates.

Episode Six: Question Tasks and Topics
In this episode we'll look at question tasks and topics in the essay section of the IELTS test

Episode Seven: The Speaking Test
In this episode we'll look at the IELTS Speaking Test and watch how some candidates answer the questions.

Episode Eight: Speaking Fluently
Fluency is one of the skills assessed in the IELTS Speaking Test. This episode defines fluency and how to achieve it.

Episode Nine: Speaking Coherently
Today we'll look at some of the language devices you can use when discussing a topic.

Episode Ten: Vocabulary for Speaking
Today we'll look at how to make best use of your vocabulary and say what you mean in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Episode Eleven: Grammatical Range in the Speaking Test
Today we'll review the language used when you compare and contrast - something you'll need for the IELTS Speaking Test.

Episode Twelve: Intonation
Intonation is a feature of pronunciation, one of the criteria assessed in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Episode Thirteen: Reading Skills and Question Types
In this episode we'll practise some of the skills required for the Reading Section of the IELTS Test.

Episode Fourteen: General Training Reading
We take a look at the Reading Section of the General Training Test and words related to looking for work.

Episode Fifteen: Listening for Signpost Words
What are signpost words and why do you need to listen to them?

Episode Sixteen: Listening for Numbers

Knowing how to correctly express numbers will give you an edge in the IELTS Listening Test.

Episode Seventeen: Talking about Festivals and Celebrations
Festivals and Celebrations are good topics to practise for the IELTS Test.

Episode Eighteen: Labelling and Describing an Object
It's useful to know the language for labelling and describing an object.

Episode Nineteen: Labelling a Flow Chart
Learn how to listen for the answers to complete a flow chart and/or describe a process.

Episode Twenty: Giving Examples
Expanding on an idea and giving examples are important language functions you need to demonstrate.

Episode Twenty One: Talking about the Family
The family is a common topic in IELTS, especially in Part 1 of the Speaking Test.

Episode Twenty Two: Talking about Holidays and Leisure Time
Being able to discuss holidays and what people do in their leisure time is useful for IELTS.

Episode Twenty Three: Talking about Food
The topic of food often comes up in the IELTS Speaking Test.

Episode Twenty Four: Word Formation
A useful skill in all aspects of English is knowing how prefixes and suffixes form new words.

Episode Twenty Five: Grammar Checklist
In this episode we'll look at some aspects of grammar and spelling that often cause problems.

Episode Twenty Six: Giving Advice
In this episode we advise you to study the language used when giving advice.