GRE Word List - 17
1. amour - A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature.
2. ampere - The practical unit of electric-current strength.
3.&…Read More
GRE Word List - 141. alienation - Estrangement.
2. aliment - That which nourishes.
3. alkali - Anything that will neutralize an acid, as lime, magnesia, etc.
4. allay -…Read More
GRE Word List - 16
1. amatory - Designed to excite love.
2. ambidextrous - Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease.
3.&nbs…Read More
GRE Word List - 131. alacrity - Cheerful willingness.
2. albeit conj. Even though. -
3. albino - A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupi…Read More
GRE Word List - 151. almanac - A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information.
2. aloof - Not in sympathy with or desirin…Read More