Common Errors - 3

Common Errors - 3

Common Errors - 1 | Common Errors - 2 | Common Errors - 3 |

                                                    Exercise – I
The following  passage  is  not  edited.  It  contains  an error  in each sentence.  Identify  the  incorrect
word and write the correct form of it.

The city police have decided to taking stern action against drivers which attempt to overtake in the left side
in the city  roads. All drivers who violate this  rule will be  punish. This  is a strict order issue  by the  police
department for safety of all drivers.


The city police have decided to take stern action against drivers who attempt to overtake on the left side
on the city  roads. All drivers who violate this  rule will be  punished. This  is a strict  order  issued  by the
police department for safety of all drivers.

                                                      Exercise – II

                                      Correction of Sentences for Practice

1. John has been working on the pilot project since two years.

2. When he entered the classroom the lecture already was beginning.

3. Rama has returned back her book in the library.

4. If Peter works hard he would get distinction in the exam.

5. They turn up with the flying colours if they practiced well.

6. If he told them about the route they would not have missed their way.

7. She would not have sent the mail if you did not instruct her.

8. If I had painted the picture well it would cost a great deal.
9. If the Manager had received your project on time he would not fire you.

 The boy, together with his teachers and friends, are going to the ground.

11. A group of people are rushing into the hall.

12. The team is divided in different perspectives on the issue.

13. Neither the party leader nor the party workers was able to calm the distressed            people.

14. Data is being collected by the media.

15. She is a real good singer.

16. All Computer science students should learn computer operating, typing, and              how        to

programme computers.

17. The Lawyer has been warning his clients for the last Sunday.

18. Everybody on the board have to come to the discussion sessions.

19. How could they threaten you and she for this issue?

20. She prefers studying individually than studying collaboratively.

21. He is adept at cricket, badminton, playing basket ball.

22. Neither his followers nor he were welcomed by the society.

23. Some of you will have to get their own id cards for inspection.

24. If anyone peeps into the room, capture their photographs.

25. It must have been him who has sent this mail.

26. One should respect your motherland.

27. It happen only rarely in life.

28. Children is plucking flowers in the garden.
29. They purchased a new air conditioner next month.

30. They is quarrelling over a trifle.

31. It begin to rain as soon as we stepped out of the house.

32. The mother was pray for her ailing child.
33. Among the two sisters, Habiba is a better dancer

34. The officer has given orders to his soldiers yesterday.

35. The girl sat down besides the lake.

36. The two brothers are quarrelling with one another

37. The three business partners are leading their business amicably with each other.

38. Easily, we opened the box.

39. Please write legible.

40. Everyone greatly admired my performance.

4 1. He did all his work satisfactory.

42. They used to played cricket during their childhood.

43. Varsha saw a lots of swans at the lake.

44. Is there some tea in the flask?

45. The building does not have much windows, and so it is dark and gloomy inside.

46. They did not gave him any ideas for his presentation.

47. Eight kilometers are not a long distance for a man who is an athlete.

48. The transformer we have j ust installed silently unlike this noisy generators we had         earlier.

49. The climate of Ooty is better than Hyderabad.

50. A pair of gloves are lying on the bed.

                                            Answers for Exercise – II

1. John has been working on the pilot project for two years.

2. When he entered the classroom the lecture had already begun.
3. Rama has returned her book in the library.

4. If Peter works hard he will get distinction in the exam.

5. They would turn up with the flying colours if they practiced well.
6. If he told them about the route they would not miss their way.

7. She would not send the mail if you did not instruct her.

8. If I had painted the picture well it would have cost a great deal.

9. If the Manager had received your project on time he would not have fired you.

 The boy, together with his teachers and friends, is going to the ground.

11. A group of people is rushing into the hall.

12. The team are divided in different perspectives on the issue.

13. Neither the party leader nor the party workers were able to calm the distressed           people.

14. Data are being collected by the media.

15. She is really a good singer.

16. All Computer science students should learn computer operating, typing, and             computer


17. The Lawyer has been warning his clients since the last Sunday.

18. Everybody on the board has to come to the discussion sessions.

19. How could they threaten you and her for this issue?

20. She prefers studying individually to studying collaboratively.

21. He is adept at cricket, badminton and basket ball.

22. Neither his followers nor he was welcomed by the society.

23. Some of you will have to get your own id cards for inspection.

24. If anyone peeps into the room, capture his/her photographs.
25. It must have been he who has sent this mail.

26. One should respect one’s motherland.

27. It happens only rarely in life.

28. Children are plucking flowers in the garden.

29. They will purchase a new air conditioner next month.
30. They are quarrelling over a trifle.

31. It began to rain as soon as we stepped out of the house.

32. The mother was praying for her ailing child.

33. Between the two sisters, Habiba is a better dancer

34. The officer has given orders to his soldiers.

35. The girl sat down beside the lake.

36. The two brothers are quarrelling with one another each other.

37. The three business partners are leading their business amicably with one another.

38. We opened the box easily.

39. Please write legibly.

40. Everyone admired my performance greatly.

4 1. He did all his work satisfactorily.

42. They used to play cricket during their childhood.

43. Varsha saw lots of swans at the lake.

44. Is there any tea in the flask?

45. The building does not have many windows, and so it is dark and gloomy inside.

46. They did not give him any ideas for his presentation.

47. Eight kilometers is not a long distance for a man who is an athlete.

48. The transformer we have j ust installed silently unlike those     noisy generators we had         earlier.

49. The climate of Ooty is better than that of Hyderabad. (OR) The climate of Ooty is              better than the  climate of Hyderabad.

50. A pair of gloves is lying on the bed.