A wreath is a circular band of
flowers or leaves that can be placed on a door or a head. (Think
Christmas or Julius Caesar.) The word comes from the Old English wrioa meaning "band," and since that early origin, wreath has been a noun. To wreathe
is to adorn something with a wreath or to encircle something the way a
wreath does. Our next confusable is wreathed in mystery. Decode it on
the next slide.
mid 16th century: partly a back-formation from archaic wrethen, past participle of writhe, reinforced by wreath.
noun: wreath; plural noun: wreaths
an arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave.
"the Queen laid a wreath at the Cenotaph"
a carved representation of a wreath.
a ring made of or resembling soft, twisted material.