Mixing up these words can have some very unpleasant results. When something is tortuous, it's full of twists and turns like a crooked path or a circuitous argument. The word comes from the Latin tortu meaning "a twisting." But the addition of an "r" turns this word into torture, with torturous pertaining to the cause or experience of extreme pain.
- full of twists and turns."the route is remote and tortuous"
synonyms: twisting, winding, curving, curvy, bending, sinuous, undulating,
coiling,looping, meandering, serpentine, snaking, snaky,
zigzag, convoluted,spiralling, twisty, circuitous, rambling,
wandering, indirect, deviating,devious, labyrinthine, mazy;
- excessively lengthy and complex."a tortuous argument"
synonyms: convoluted, roundabout, circuitous, indirect, unstraightforward,
involved, complicated, complex, confusing, lengthy, overlong,
verbose,difficult to follow
"a tortuous argument"