
Affect ehFEKT- to change; AFFekt- a person's feelings or emotion
Alternate ALternit- the next choice; ALternait- switch back and forth 
Are AHR- plural present tense of "to be"; AIR- 100 square meters (1/100th of a hectare) [although may also be pronounced AHR]
Ares AIRS- 100 square meter units [plural]; AIReez- Greek god of war [capitalized] 
Attribute ahTRIByoot- to consider resulting from; AHtribyoot- a characteristic of someone
August AUgust- month [capitalized]; auGUST- important, eminent
Axes AKsiz- more than one ax or axe; AKseez- the plural of axis
Bass BASE- a string instrument; (rhymes with mass)- a fish
Bow BAU- to lower one's head or the front of a ship; BOH- used to shoot arrows 
Bowed BAU-d- to bend over; BOH-d- bent 
Buffet BUFFet- to pound or bump; booFAY- place where you serve yourself
Close CLOZE- to shut; CLOSnear
Combine komBYNE- put together; KOMbyne- a threshing machine
Conduct KONduckt- behavior; kunDUCKT- to lead (see this heteronym below)
Conflict kunFLIKT- to act against; KAHNflict- a fight or disagreement
Console KAHNsole- an upright case; kunSOLE- to comfort
Content KAHNtent- meaning; kunTENT- satisfied 
Contest kunTEST- to argue; KAHNtest- a match of skill
Contract CONtract- an agreement; conTRACT- to shrink or to agree on a project
Convert conVERT- to change one's belief; CONvert- one whose belief was changed 
Converse KAHNvers- the opposite; kunVERS- to talk
Convict kunVIKT- to find guilty; KAHNvikt- a prisoner
Crooked KROOKt- to bend your neck; KROOK-ed- having a curve
Deliberate diLIBerit- carefully considered; diLIBerATE- to consider
Desert dihZURT- to leave ; DEZert- arid region
Digest DYEjest- collection of published material; dieJEST- absorb nutrients
Do DOO- to accomplish; DOE- a musical note
Does DUZ- performs; DOZE- more than one female deer
Dove DUV- a bird; DOEV- jumped off
Drawer DROR- the compartment you pull out from the dresser; DRAWer- one who draws
Excuse EKskyooz- to let someone off; EKskyoos- a reason or explanation 
House HAUS- a building that serves as living quarters; HOWZ- to provide with living quarters
Incense INsens- burnt aromatic; inSENS- to make angry
Intern INtern- a physician in training; inTERN- confine to prescribed area
Invalid inVALLid- not valid; INvallid- an ill person 
Laminate LAMinate- to construct by adding layers; LAMinit [although both pronunciations are listed]- the cover itself 
Lather (rhymes with rather)- foam or suds; (rhymes with bath fur)- a worker who installs lath (lattice work)
Lead LEED- to guide; LED- a metallic element
Minute MINNit- 60 seconds; myNOOT- tiny
Moderate MODerit- keeping within reason; MODerATE- to preside over
Mow MOH- to cut grass; MAU- a pile of hay 
Multiply MULLtihPLIE- multiply two numbers; MULLtihplee- in a multiple manner
Number NUMber- one, two, three …; NUMMER- more numb [many dictionaries do not list this use, which suggests that "more numb" is preferred; however, the listed use is given in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition, Electronic version.]
Nun NUN- women in religious order; NOON- 14th letter in Hebrew alphabet
Object ubJEKT- to complain; AHBjekt- a thing 
Pasty PAstee- like glue; PASStee- a meat pie
Pate PAIT- a bald head; paTAY- a minced food; PAHT- a porcelain paste [diacritics in pâté and pâte don't count!]
Perfect PERfekt- exactly correct; perFEKT- to make correct 
Periodic PEEReeODDik- occasional; PUREeyeODDik- an iodine compound
Permit perMIT- to allow some event to occur; PERmit [although both pronunciations are listed]- a document giving permission 
Polish POElish- from Poland; PAHLish- shine [capitalization doesn't count!]
Present PREZent- a gift; preeSENT- to give a talk
Primer PRIHMer- an elementary book; PRYmer- the preparatory coat of paint
Produce PROdoos- vegetables; proDOOS- bring forth 
Project proJEKT- to show a movie; PRAHjekt- a task
Pussy PUHSee- having pus; POOHSee; a kitten
Raven RAYven- black bird; RAVen- hungry
Rebel REBBell- a resister; rihBELL- to resist
Record RECKord- a list; reKORD- to write down
Recreation rek-ree-Ashun- pastime; REEcreeAshun- remake (also, recreate)
Refuse reFUSE- to deny; REFFyoos- garbage 
Relay reeLAY- to put it down again, such as a carpet; REElay- a race by teams; rihLAY- to pass along, such as information [One of our dictionaries gives these pronunciations, but does not distinguish meanings among the latter two. The pronunciation may vary among individuals.] 
Rerun reRUN- to race again or to repeat a show on television; RErun- a repeated TV show 
Reside: reZIDE- to stay put; RE-SYD- [Slang] to change places (change teams) [usu. hyphenated as re-side]  [N.B.: This is also a antagonym!] 
Resign reZYN- to quit; reSYN- to sign again (e.g., a contract) [usu. hyphenated as re-sign] [N.B.: This word is also an antagonym!]
Resume reeZOOM- to restart; REHZoomay- a document of experience [also résumé; diacritics don't count!] 
Row ROH- a line; ROUW- a fight 
Sake SAHkey- alcoholic drink; SAYK- a purpose
Secrete seeKREET- to discharge; sehKRET- an armored skullcap [secrète, diacritics don't count!]
Secreted seeKREETed- having put out; SEEkrehted- placed out of sight
[N.B.: This word is also an antagonym!]
Separate SEPerATE- to divide into groups; SEPret- not joined together
Sewer SOwer- one who sews; SOOwer- place for human waste 
Slough SLUFF- the outer layer of skin of a snake; [rhymes with OW!]- a hole of deep mud or mire; SLOO- a marshy pond 
Sow SOUW- a pig; SO- to plant seed 
Subject SUBjekt- the theme; subJEKT- to force upon someone 
Tear TARE- to rip; TEER- fluid in eye
Wind WHINEd- to coil up; WINd- the blowing air
Wound WOOND- to injure; WOWND- coiled up