6 Words That Can Ruin Your Sentence - 6

This word should signify an action which is readily observable, recognized, or understood. Speakers tend to use it, however, to emphasize their point with regards to things that aren't necessarily obvious: "Obviously he should have thrown the ball to first base." What crutch words do you rely on?____________________________________

adverb: obviously
  1. in a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly.
    "she was obviously unwell"
    synonyms:clearlyevidently, plainly, patently, visibly, discernibly, manifestly,
    unmistakably, undeniably, indubitably, incontrovertibly,
    demonstrably, unquestionably, undoubtedly, without doubt; 
    of course,naturally, needless to say, it goes without saying, doubtless;
    "obviously, she didn't want to see you"

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