Stationary or stationery?
They're just one letter off, but that pesky little "e" or "a" changes
the meaning of these words entirely. Stationery is writing paper or
writing materials such as pens, envelopes, and ink. The word is derived
from the Middle Latin stationarius, "stationary seller." In the
Middle Ages roving peddlers often sold writing supplies, moving their
wares from "station" to "station." Switch that final "e" for an "a" and
to be stationary is to be unmoving.
- writing and other office materials."a range of stationery"
- not moving or not intended to be moved."a car collided with a stationary vehicle"
synonyms: motionless, parked, halted, stopped, immobilized, immobile,
unmoving,still, static, stock-still, at a standstill, at rest, not moving;- ASTRONOMY(of a planet) having no apparent motion in longitude.
- not changing in quantity or condition."a stationary population"
synonyms: unchanging, unvarying, invariable, constant, consistent,
uniform,unchanged, changeless, fixed, stable, steady, undeviating"a stationary population"