From a capital city to a capital letter, this word distinguishes the best and brightest. The word is derived from the Latin capitalis
meaning "of the head," and between its noun and adjective forms capital
has 17 senses in which it can be used. But when that last "a" becomes
an "o" capitol gets much more specific. In the U.S. the Capitol
is the building in Washington, D.C. used by Congress. The building was
dubbed by Thomas Jefferson who derived the name from the Capitoline
Hill, the seat of democracy in Ancient Rome.
1. A building or complex of buildings in which a state legislature meets.
2. Capitol The building in Washington, DC, where the Congress of the United States meets. See Usage Note at
[Middle English Capitol, Jupiter's temple in Rome, from Old French capitole, from Latin Capitōlium, after Capitōlīnus, Capitoline, the hill on which Jupiter's temple stood; perhaps akin to caput,
capit-, head; see capital1.]
1. (Placename)
b. the temple on the Capitoline
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the Capitol the main building of the US Congress
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (sometimes not capital) (in the US) the building housing any state legislatureAlso called: statehouse
[C14: from Latin Capitōlium, from caput head]
(ˈkæp ɪ tl)
1. the building in Washington, D.C., in which the U.S. Congress holds its sessions.
2. (often l.c.) a building occupied by a state legislature.
3. the ancient temple of Jupiter at Rome, on the Capitoline.
4. the Capitoline.
[1690–1700, Amer.; < Latin capitōlium temple of Jupiter on Capitoline hill, Rome <caput head]
The triple religious shrine on Rome’s Capitoline Hill.
noun: capital; plural noun: capitals; noun: capital city; plural noun: capital cities; noun:capital town;
plural noun: capital towns; noun: capital letter; plural noun: capital letters
the city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region.
"Warsaw is the capital of Poland"
synonyms: | first city, most important city, seat of government, centre of administration;
"Warsaw is the capital of Poland"
a place associated more than any other with a specified activity or product.
"the fashion capital of the world"
wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available for a purpose such as starting a company or investing.
"rates of return on invested capital were high"
synonyms: | money, finance(s), funds, the wherewithal, the means, assets, wealth,resources, reserves, deep pockets, stock, principal;
informaldough, bread, loot, the ready, readies,shekels, moolah, the necessary, wad, boodle, dibs, gelt, ducats, rhino, gravy, scratch, stuff, oof;
informalkale, rocks, shinplasters;
"by 1977 he had amassed enough capital to pull off the property
deal of the century"
the excess of a company's assets over its liabilities.
people who possess wealth and use it to control a society's economic activity, considered collectively.
"a conflict of interest between capital and labour"
a valuable resource of a particular kind.
"there is insufficient investment in human capital"
a letter of the size and form used to begin sentences and names.
"he wrote the name in capitals"
synonyms: | capital letter, upper-case letter, block capital;
technicaluncial, uncial letter, majuscule letter
"he wrote the name in capitals"
adjective: capital
(of an offence or charge) liable to the death penalty.
"murder is the only capital crime in the state"
(of a letter of the alphabet) large in size and of the form used to begin sentences and names.
synonyms: | upper-case, block;
"he's a really capital fellow"
exclamation: capital
used to express approval, satisfaction, or delight.
"That's splendid! Capital!"
Middle English (as an adjective in the sense ‘relating to the head or top’, later ‘standing at the head or beginning’): via Old French from Latin capitalis, from caput ‘head’.
noun: capital; plural noun: capitals
the distinct, typically broader section at the head of a pillar or column.
"the pillars have moulded capitals"
Middle English: from Old French capitel, from late Latin capitellum ‘little head’, diminutive of Latin caput .