Greek and Latin roots in English_J

Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
jac- lie Latin jacēre "to be thrown" adjacent
jac-, -ject- cast, throw Latin jacere (also spelled iacere), iectus adagio, adjacent, deject, ejaculate, eject, inject, interject, project, reject, trajectory
janu- door Latin janua janitor, January
joc- joke Latin jocus (also spelled iocus) jocose, jocular, jocularity, jocund, jocundity, joke
judic- judge Latin judex, iudicis adjudicate, judicial, judiciary
jug- yoke Latin jugare, jugum conjugal, subjugate
jung-, junct- join Latin iungere, junctus conjunction, enjoin, injunction, juncture, join, junction
junior- younger Latin junior junior, juniority
jus-, jur- law, justice Latin ius, iuris abjure, jurisprudence, jury, just, justice, objurgate, perjury
juv-, jut- help Latin juvare, jutus adjutant
juven- young, youth Latin juvenis juvenile, rejuvenate
juxta- beside, near Latin juxta juxtaposition

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