Greek and Latin roots in English_N

Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
nar- nostril Latin naris naris
narc- numb Greek νάρκη (narkē) narcolepsy, narcosis, narcotic
narr- tell Latin narrare narrative
nas- nose Latin nasus nasal
nasc-, nat- born Latin nascere, nasci (past participle natus) innate, nascent, natal, native, renaissance
naut- ship Greek ναύτης (nautes) Argonaut, astronaut, nautical
nav- ship Latin navis naval
ne-, neo- new Greek νέος (neos) Neolithic, neologism, neonate, neophyte
neb-, nub- cloud Latin nebula, nubes nebula, nebulosity, nebulous, nuance, nubilous, obnubilate
necr- dead Greek νεκρός (nekros) necrophobia
nect- swimming Greek νηκτός (nēktos) nectopod
nect-, nex- join, tie Latin nectere, nexus connect, nexus
neg- say no Latin negare negative
nema- hair Greek νῆμα (nēma) nematode
nemor- grove, woods Latin nemus, nemoris nemoral
nephr- kidney Greek νεφρός (nephros) nephritis
nerv- sinew, nerve Latin nervus enervate, innervate, nerve, nervous
nes- island Greek νῆσος (nēsos) Polynesia
neur- nerve Greek νευρών (neurōn) neural, neuritis, neurologist, neurology, neuron, neuropathic, neurosurgeon, neurotic
nict- beckon, wink Latin nictari nictation
nigr- black Latin niger denigrate
nihil- nothing Latin nihilum annihilation
noct- night Latin nox (genitive noctis) equinox, noctambulist, noctilucent, nocturnal
nod- knot Latin nodus denouement, node, nodule
nom- arrangement, law, order Greek νόμος (nomos) agronomy, astronomy, autonomous, autonomy, bionomics, economics, economy, gastronomy, metronome, numismatic, taxonomy
nomad- those who let pasture herds Greek νομάς, νομάδος (nomas, nomados) nomadic
nomen-, nomin- name Latin nomen, nominis nomenclature, nominate, nomination, ignominious, ignominy
non- not Latin non none
non- ninth Latin nonus nonary
nonagen- ninety each Latin nonageni nonagenary
nonagesim- ninetieth Latin nonagesimus nonagesimal
not- back, south Greek νότος (notos) notochord
not- letter, note, paper Latin notare annotation, notable
noth- spurious Greek νόθος (nothos) nothogenus
nov- nine Latin novem November, novennial
nov- new Latin novus innovate, innovation, nova, novel, novice, renovate
noven- nine each Latin noveni novenary
novendec- nineteen Latin novendecim novemdecillion
nox-, noc- harmful Latin noxa noxious
nu- nod Latin nuere innuendo
nub-, nupt- to marry, to wed Latin nubes, nubis, nubere connubial, nubile, prenuptial
nuc- nut Latin nux, nucis nucleus
nuch- back of neck Latin nucha nuchal cord
nud- naked Latin nudus denude, nudity
null- none Latin nullus nullify
numer- number Latin numerus enumerate, innumerable, numeral, numeration
nunci- announce Latin nuntius pronunciation
nutri- nourish Latin nutrire malnutrition, nutrient

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