Greek and Latin roots in English_P

Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
pac- peace Latin pax, pacis appease, Pacific Ocean, pacifism, pacifist, pacify
pach- thick Greek παχύς (pachus) pachydermata, Pachypodium
pact- fasten Latin pangere "to fix, fasten" compact, impact, impaction, impinge, pact, page, propagate
paed- child Greek παῖς (pais), genitive παιδός (paidos) orthopedic, paediatric, page, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pediatric, pedophilia
pagin- page Latin pagina pagination
pal- stake Latin palus impalement, pale
palae-, pale- ancient, old Greek παλαιός (palaios) Paleo Diet, Paleolithic era, paleomagnetism, paleontology, paleopsychology, Paleozoic
palin- back Greek πάλιν (palin) palindrome
pall- be pale Latin pallere pallid, pallor
palli- cloak Latin palliare "to cover, cloak", from pallium "cloak" pall, palliate, palliative, pallium
palm- palm Latin palma palmate
palp- touch Latin palpare palp, palpable, palpate, palpation, palpitant, palpitation
palustr- in marshes Latin paluster palustral
pan-, pam- all Greek πᾶς, παντός (pas, pantos) Pan-American, panacea, pandemic, pandemonium, panoply, panoptic
pand-, pans- spread Latin pandere, pansus expand, expansion
par- equal Latin par compare, disparage, par, parity, peer, subpar
par- prepare, provide, procure Latin parare apparatus, disparate, empire, imperative, pare, prepare, repair, separate, sever, vituperate
para- beside, near Greek παρά (para) parallel, parameter
parc-, pars- spare, save Latin parcere, parsus parcity, parsimony
pariet- wall Latin paries, parietis parietal
part- part Latin pars, partis apart, bipartite, compartment, depart, impartial, parcel, part, partial, participate, particle, partisan, partition
parthen- maiden Greek παρθένος (parthenos) Parthenon, parthenogenesis
parv- little Latin parvus parvovirus
pasc-, past- feed Latin pascere, pastus pastor, pasture, repast
pass- pace, step Latin passus
passer- sparrow Latin passer passeriform, passerine
pat- be open Latin patere paten, patent
path- feeling, disease Greek πάθος (pathos) antipathy, apathy, empathy, pathetic, pathogen, pathology, sympathy
pater-, patr- father Latin pater (genitive patris) paternity, patrilocal, patriot, patron, patronage, patronize
pater-, patr- father Greek πατήρ, πατριά (patēr, patria) patriarch
pati-, pass- suffer, feel, endure, permit Latin pati, passus passion, passive, patience
pauc- few Latin paucus paucal, pauciloquent, paucity
pav- beat Latin pavire pave, pavement
pecc- sin Latin peccare impeccable, peccant, peccavi
pect- fixed Greek πηκτός (pēktos) pectic, pectin
pector- chest Latin pectus, pectoris pectoral
pecu- property Latin pecunia "property", from pecu "cattle" peculiar, pecuniary, pecunious
ped- foot Latin pes, pedis centipede, impede, pedal, pedestrian
pejor- worse Latin pejor pejorative
pell-, puls- drive, push Latin pellere, pulsus appulse, compel, compulsory, dispel, expel, expulsion, impel, impulse, propel, propellent, propulsion, propulsive, propulsor, pulsate, pulse, push, repel, repellent, repulsive
pen- almost Latin paene peninsula, penultimate, penumbra
pen-, poen-, puni- punish Latin punire "punish" (earlier poenire), from poena "punishment" impune, impunity, pain, penal, penalize, penalty, penance, penitence, penitent, penitentiary, pine, punish, punitive, repent, subpoena
pend-, pens- hang Latin pensare, frequentative of pendere append, penchant, pendant, pending, pendulum, pensive, prepense, suspend, suspense
penn-, pinn- feather Latin penna, pinna pennate, pinnacle, pinnate, pinnule
pent- five Greek πέντε (pente) pentagon, pentagram, pentagrid, pentode
pentecost- fiftieth Greek πεντηκοστός (pentēkostos) pentecostalism
pept- digest Greek πέσσειν, πεπτός (pessein, peptos) dyspepsia, peptic, peptide, peptone
per- thoroughly, through Latin per perfection, permeate, persistence, peruse, pervade
peran- across, beyond Greek πέραν (peran) Perates
peri- around Greek περί (peri) perigee, perihelion, perimeter, peripheral, periscope
persic- peach Greek περσικός (persikos)
pessim- worst Latin pessimus pessimal
pet- strive toward Latin petere appetite, compete, competition, impetus, petition, petulant, propitiate, repeat, repetition
petr- rock Greek πέτρα (petra) petroglyph
phae- dark Greek φαιός (phaios) phaeomelanin, pheochrome
phag- eat Greek φαγεῖν (phagein) bacteriophage, macrophage, phagocyte, sarcophagus
phalang- close formation of troops, finger bones Greek φάλαγξ, φάλαγγος (phalanx, phalangos) phalanges
phalar- having a patch of white Greek φάλαρος (phalāros)[1] phalarope
pharmac- drug, medicine Greek φάρμακον (pharmakon) pharmacy
phan-, phen- to show, visible Greek φαινειν (phainein) diaphanous, emphasis, epiphany, fantasy, phanerozoic, phantasm, phantom, phase, phene, phenetic, phenology, phenomenon, photic, sycophant, theophany, tryptophan
pher-, phor- bear, carry Greek φέρω (pherō), φόρος (phoros) metaphor, pheromone
phil-, -phile love, friendship Greek φιλέω (phileō, philia) bibliophile, hydrophile, philanthropy, philharmonic, philosophy
phleg- heat, inflammation Greek ϕλέγω (phlegein) "to burn", φλέγω (phlegō) phlegm, phlegmatic
phloe- tree bark Greek φλοιός (phloios) phlobaphene, phloem
phob- fear Greek φόβος (phobos) acrophobia, claustrophobia, ergophobia, homophobia, hydrophobia
phon- sound Greek φωνή (phōnē) cacophony, euphony, homophone, microphone, phonetic, phonograph, symphony
phos-, phot- light Greek φῶς, φωτός (phōs, phōtos) phosphor, phosphorus, photic, photo, photoelectric, photogenic, photograph, photosynthesis
phragm- fence Greek φράγμα (phragma) diaphragm
phren- diaphragm, mind Greek φρήν, φρενός (phrēn, phrenos) frenetic, schizophrenia
phryn- toad, toad-like Greek φρύνη (phrunē) Phrynobatrachus
phyl- tribe Greek φύλον (phulon) phylogenetics, phylum
phyll- leaf Greek φύλλον (phullon) chlorophyll, phyllotaxis
physi- nature Greek φύσις (phusis) physics
physalid- bladder Greek φυσαλ(λ)ίς (phusal(l)is) physalis
phyt- plant Greek φυτόν (phuton) neophyte, phytoplankton
pi- kind, devout, pity Latin pius expiate, impious, piety, pious, pity
pic- pitch Latin pix, picis piceous
pil- hair Latin pilus depilatory, epilator
pil- pillar, ball Latin pila pile, pill, pillar, pillory
pin- drink Greek πίνειν (pinein) pinocytosis
pin- pine Latin pinus pineal gland
ping-, pict- paint Latin pingere, pictus depiction, picture, pigment
pingu- fat Latin pinguis Pinguicula, pinguitude
pir- pear Latin pirus piriformis muscle
pisc- fish Latin piscis Pisces, piscivore
pis- pea Greek πίσος (pisos)
plac- plate, tablet Greek πλάξ, πλακός (plax, plakos) duplex, duplicity
plac- calm Latin placare, placatus implacable, placable, placate, please, supple
plac-, plea- please Latin placēre, placitus complacent, complaisant, displease, placebo, placid, plea, please, pleasure
plagi- oblique Greek πλάγιος (plagios) plagiocephaly, plagioclase
plan- flat Latin planus explanation, planar, plane
plang-, planct-
Latin plangere, planctus plangent
plas- mould Greek πλάθω (plathō) plasma, plastic
platy- flat, broad Greek πλατύς (platus) plaice, plateau, platitude, platypus
plaud-, -plod-, plaus-, -plos- approve, clap Latin plaudere, plausus applaud, applause, explosion, implode, plaudits, plausible
ple-, plet- fill Latin plere complement, complete, deplete, implement, replete, suppletion, supply
pleb- people Latin plebs, plebis plebeian, plebs
plec- interwoven Greek πλέκω (plekō) plectics, symplectomorphism
plect-, plex- plait Latin plectere, plexus perplex
plen- full Latin plenus plenary, plenitude, plenty, replenish
plesi- near Greek πλησίος (plēsios) plesiosaur
pleth- full Greek πλῆθος (plēthos) plethora
pleur- side Greek πλευρά (pleura) pleuritis
plic- fold Latin plicare, plicatus appliance, application, apply, duplication, explicate, explicit, implicate, implicit, imply, ply, replicate, supplicant, supplicate, supplication
plinth- brick Greek πλίνθος (plinthos) Plinthograptis
Latin plorare implore
plu- rain Latin pluere, see also pluvia pluvial
plum- feather Latin pluma plumage, plumate
plumb- lead Latin plumbum plumber
plur-, plus- more Latin plus, pluris double, plural, pluralist, plus, quadruple, surplus, triple
plurim- most Latin plurimus plurimal
plut- wealth Greek πλοῦτος (ploutos) plutocracy
pneu- air, breath, lung Greek pnein, πνεῦμα (pneuma) apnoea, pneumatic, phneumonia
pod- foot Greek πούς, ποδός (pous, podos) antipode, podiatry, tripod
pogon- beard Greek πώγων, πώγωνος (pōgōn, pōgōnos) pogonotrophy
poie- make Greek ποιέω (poieō) poet, poiesis
pol- pole Greek πόλος (polos) dipole, polar
pole-, poli- city Greek πόλις (polis) acropolis, cosmopolitan, megalopolis, metropolis, police, policy, politics
polem- war Greek πόλεμος (polemos) polemic
poli- grey Greek πολιός (polios) poliomyelitis
pollic- thumb Latin pollex, pollicis pollicate
pollin- fine flour Latin pollen, pollinis pollination
poly- many Greek πολύς (polus) polyandry, polygamy, polygon, polysaccharide, polytheistic
pon-, posit- put Latin ponere, positus apposite, apropos, component, deposit, exponent, expose, expound, impose, impound, opponent, position, positive, postpone, posture, propone, proponent, proposition, propound
ponder- weight Latin pondus, ponderis, ponderare ponder, preponderance
pont- bridge Latin pons, pontis pontoon
popul- people Latin populus, populare population, popular, populous
por- passage Greek πόρος (poros) pore, porosity
porc- pig Latin porcus porcine, pork
porn- prostitute Greek πόρνη (pornē) pornography
porphyr- purple Greek πορφύρα (porphura) porphyrin
port- carry Latin portare "to carry", porta "gate" comportment, deport, export, import, port, portable, portage, portal, porter, portfolio, purport, rapport, report, support, transport
portion- part, share Latin portio portion, proportion
post- after, behind Latin post posterior, posterity, postscript
pot- power Latin potere "be powerful", from potis "powerful, able" despot, impotent, possess, potent, potentate, potential, power
pot- drink Latin potus, potare potable, potion
potam- river Greek ποταμός (potamos) hippopotamus, Mesopotamia
prasin- leek-green Greek πράσινος (prasinos) prasinous
prat- meadow Latin pratum
prav- crooked Latin pravus depravity
pre- before Latin prae previous
prec- pray Latin precāri "to ask, beg, pray", from prex "prayer" deprecation, imprecation, pray, prayer, precarious
pred- prey Latin praedari "plunder", from praeda "prey" depredate, predation, predator, predatory, prey
prehend-, prend-, prehens- grasp Latin prehendere, prehensus apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, enterprise, prehensility, prehension, prey, prison, prize, reprehend, surprise
prem-, -prim-, press- press Latin premere, pressus pressure
presby- old Greek πρέσβυς (presbus) Presbyterianism
preter- past Latin praeter preterite, pretermission
preti- price Latin pretium, pretiare
prim- first Latin primus primacy, primal, primary, prime, primeval, primitive
prior- former Latin prior priority
priv- separate Latin privus, privare, privatus deprivation, privilege
pro- before, in front of Greek πρό (pro) prologue, prostate
pro- for, forward Latin pro procrastinate, propel, propulsion
prob- worthy, good Latin probare "prove to be worthy", probus approbation, approve, disapprobation, opprobrium, probable, probation, probe, probity, proof, prove, reprobate, reprove
proct- anus Greek πρωκτός (prōktos) proctology
prodig- waste Latin prodigus "wasteful", from prodigere "drive away, waste" prodigal, prodigality
prodig- prodigy Latin prodigium "prodigy" prodigious, prodigy
propri- property; one's own Latin proprietas "appropriateness, property, ownership", from proprius "one's own" appropriate, proper, property, proprietary, proprietor, propriety
pros- forward Greek πρός (pros) prosenchyma, prosthesis
prot- first Greek πρῶτος (prōtos) protagonist, Proterozoic, protocol, protoindustrial, protoplasm, prototype, protozoan
proxim- nearest Latin proximus, proximare approximate, proximity
prun- plum Latin prunus prune
psamm- sand Greek ψάμμος (psammos) psammite, psammophyte, psammosere, psammous
pseud- false Greek ψευδής (pseudēs) pseudonym
psil- bare Greek ψιλός (psilos) epsilon, psilocybin
psych- mind Greek ψυχή (psuchē) psyche, psychiatry, psychology, psychosis
psychr- cold Greek ψυχρός (psuchros) psychrometer
pter- wing, fern Greek πτερόν (pteron) helicopter, pterodactyl
pto- fall Greek πτῶσις (ptōsis) ptosis
pty- saliva Greek πτύον (ptuon) ptyalin
ptych- fold, layer Greek πτύξ, πτυχή (ptuchē) triptych
pub- sexually mature Latin pubes, puberis pubescent, pubic
Latin publicus publication, publicity
pude- shame Latin pudere impudent, pudendum, repudiate
pug-, pugn- fight Latin pugnare "to fight", from pugnus "fist" impugn, pugilism, pugnacious, repugnant
pulchr- beautiful Latin pulcher, pulchri pulchritude
pulmon- lung Latin pulmo, pulmonis pulmonary
pulver- dust Latin pulvis, pulveris pulverize
pung-, punct- prick Latin pungere, punctus acupuncture, expunge, poignant, point, punch, punctual, punctuation, puncture, pungent
pup- doll Latin pupa pupa, pupate, puppet
pur- pure Latin purare "to purify", from purus "pure" impurity, pure, puree, purge, purify, purity
purg- cleanse Latin purgare expurgate, purgatory, purge
purpur- purple Latin purpura purpurate, purpureal
put- prune, reckon Latin putāre amputation, compute, dispute, impute, putative, reputation
pyg- rump Greek πυγή (pugē) callipygian, pygostyle
pyl- gate Greek πυλών, πυλῶνος (pulōn, pulōnos) pylon
pyr- heat, fire Greek πῦρ, πυρός (pur, puros) pyrolysis

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