Greek and Latin roots in English_H

Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
hab-, -hib-, habit-, -hibit- have Latin habere, habitus habit, prohibition
hadr- thick Greek ἁδρός (hadros) hadrocodium, hadron
haem-, hem- blood Greek αἷμα (haima) haemophilia, hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemorrhage, hemostat
hal- salt Greek ἅλς, ἁλός (hals, halos) halite, halogen
hal-, -hel- breathe Latin halare, halatus anhelation, inhale, halitosis
hapl- simple, single Greek ἁπλοῦς (haplous) haploid, haplotype
haur-, haust- draw Latin haurire, haustus exhaustion
hedo- pleasure Greek ἡδονή (hēdonē) hedonism
heli- sun Greek ἥλιος (hēlios) heliocentric, heliograph, heliotrope, helium
hemer- day Latin hemera ephemeral
hemi- half Greek ἥμισυς (hēmisus) hemicycle, hemisphere
hen- one Greek ἕν (hen) henad, hyphen
hendec- eleven Greek ἕνδεκα (hendeka) hendecagon
hept- seven Greek ἑπτά (hepta) heptagon, heptathlon, heptode
her-, heir- heir Latin heres heir, heiress, hereditary, heredity, heritage, inherit
here-, hes- cling, stick Latin haerere, haesus adhere, adhesive, cohere, coherent, cohesive, hesitate, inherent
herald- messenger, envoy Latin heraldus herald, heraldic, heraldry
herb- grass Latin herba herbal, herbicide, herbivore
hered- heir Latin heres, heredis heredity
herp- creep Greek ἕρπω, ἕρπειν (herpō, herpein) herpes, herpetology
heter- different, other Greek ἕτερος (heteros) heterochromatin, heterodoxy, heterogeneity, heterogeneous, heterosexual
heur- find Greek εὑρίσκω (heuriskō) heuristic
hex- six Greek ἕξ (hex) hexagon, hexahedron, hexode
hibern- wintry Latin hibernus hibernation
hiem- winter Latin hiems hiemal
hier- sacred Greek ἱερός (hieros) hierarchy, hieroglyphics
hipp- horse Greek ἵππος (hippos) hippodrome, hippopotamus
hirsut- hairy Latin hirtus, hirsutus hirsute
hispid- bristly Latin hispidus hispidity, hispidulous
histri- actor Latin histrio, histrionis histrionic
hod- way Greek ὁδός (hodos) cathode, herpolhode, hodometer
hol- whole Greek ὅλος (holos) holistic, holography
hom- same Greek ὁμός (homos) homogeneous, homophone, homonym, homosexual, homozygous
homal- even, flat Greek ὁμαλός (homalos) "even", from ὁμός (homos) "same" anomalous, anomaly
home- like Greek ὅμοιος (homoios) homeostasis
homin- human Latin homo, hominis hominid
honor- esteem Latin honos, honoris honorable, honorarium
hor- boundary Greek ὅρος (horos) aphorism, horizon
hor- hour Greek ὥρα (hōra) horoscope
horm- that which excites Greek ὁρμή (hormē) hormone
hort- garden Latin hortus, horti horticulture
hospit- host Latin hospes, hospitis hospice, hospital, hospitality, inhospitable
host- enemy Latin hostis hostile
hum- ground Latin humus, humare exhume, exhumation, human, humane, humanity, humus, inhume
hyal- glass Greek ὕαλος (hualos) hyaline, hyaloid
hydr- water Greek ὕδωρ (hudōr) dehydrate, hydrant, hydrate, hydraulics, hydrogen, hydrology, hydrolysis, hydrophily, hydrophobia, hydroponic, hydrous
hygr- wet Greek ὑγρός (hugros) hygrometer
hymen- skin or membrane Greek ὑμήν (humēn) hymen, Hymenoptera
hyo- U-shaped Greek ὑοειδής (huoeidēs) hyoid
hyp- under Greek ὑπό (hupo) hypothermia, hypotonic
hyper- above, over Greek ὑπέρ (huper) hyperbole, hypertonic
hypn- sleep Greek ὕπνος (hupnos) hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnotize
hyster- later Greek ὕστερος (husteros) hysteresis

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