Greek and Latin roots in English_G

Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
galact- milk Greek γάλα, γαλακτός (gala, galaktos) galactic
gam- leg Latin gamba gambit, gambol, gammon
gamy- marriage Greek γάμος, γάμου (gamos, gamou) bigamy, endogamy, gamete, monogamy, polygamy
garg- chatter Latin garrire gargantuan, gargle, gargoyle, garrulous, jargon
gastr- stomach Greek γαστήρ (gastēr) gastric, gastritis, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal, gastronomic, gastropod
ge-, geo- earth Greek γῆ (), γεω- (geō-) apogee, Geocentrism, geode, geography, geology, geometry, Pangea, perigee
gel- icy cold Latin gelum gelatin, gelid
gen- beget Latin gignere, genus (genitive generis), see also generare congenial, engender, gender, generate, generation, genial, genius, genital, genitive, genteel, gentle, genuine, genus, indigenous, ingenious, ingenuous, primogenitor, progeny
gen- birth, beget, race, kind Greek γίγνεσθαι (gignesthai), and related γένος (genos); see also γενεά (genea) allergen, antigen, biogenesis, eugenics, gene, genealogy, genesis, genetic, genocide, gonad, heterogeneous, homogeneous, hydrogen, pathogen
germ- sprout Latin germen, germinis germ, German, germane, germination
gest- bear, carry Latin gerere, gestus congest, digest, gestation
glabr- hairless Latin glaber glabrous
glaci- ice Latin glacies glacier
gladi- sword Latin gladius gladiator
glia- glue Greek γλία (glia) glial
glob- sphere Latin globus global, globe, globule
glori- glory Latin gloria glorify
gloss-, glot- tongue Greek γλῶσσα (glóssa) epiglottis, glossary, polyglot
glutin- glue Latin gluten, glutinis agglutination, glue, gluten
gnosc- know Latin gnoscere acquaint, cognition, cognitive, cognizance, cognizant, cognoscenti, connoisseur, ignorant, incognito, noble, note, recognize
gnost- know Greek γιγνώσκειν (gignoskein) agnostic, diagnosis, Gnostic, prognosis
gon- corner, angle Greek γωνία (gōnía) goniometer, polygon
grad-, gred-, gress- walk, step, go Latin gradi "to step", from gradus "step" aggression, egress, grade, gradual, graduate, progress, regress, transgress
gramm- writing Greek γράμμα (gramma) grammar, grammatic, telegram
gran- grain Latin granum granary, granite, granola, granule
grand- grand Latin grandis grandiloquous, grandiosity
graph- draw, write Greek γραφή (graphē) autograph, graph, grapheme, graphene, graphic, graphite, graphology, photograph
grat- thank, please Latin gratus, see also gratia congratulate, grace, grateful, gratify, gratitude, gratuity, gratulate, ingrate, ingratiate
grav- heavy Latin gravis aggravate, grave, gravitate, gravity
greg- flock, herd Latin grex, gregis aggregate, congregation, egregious, gregarian, gregarious, segregation
gubern- govern, pilot Latin gubernare gubernatorial
gust- taste Latin gustus disgust, gusto
gutt- drop Latin gutta gutta, guttifer, guttiform
guttur- throat Latin guttur guttural
gymn- nude Greek γυμνός (gumnos) gymnasium, gymnastics, gymnosperm
gyn- woman Greek γυνή (gunē) gynecology

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