Greek and Latin roots in English_S

Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
sacchar- sugar Greek σάκχαρον (sakcharon) saccharin
sacr-, -secr- sacred Latin sacrare, from sacer (genitive sacri) consecrate, desecrate, sacrament, sacred, sacrosanct
sagac- wise Latin sagax, sagacis sagacious, sagacity
sagitt- arrow Latin sagitta sagittal plane, Sagittaria
sal- salt Latin sal, salis, salere salinity
sali-, -sili-, salt- jump Latin salire, saltus desultory, resilient, salient, saltus
salic- willow Latin salix, salicis salicin
salu- health, welfare Latin salus salubrious, salubrity, salutary, salute
salv- save Latin salvus, salvare salvage, salvation, salve
san- healthy Latin sanus insane, sanity
sanc- holy Latin sancire (past participle sanctus) sacrosanct, saint, sanctify, sanction, sanctuary
sanguin- blood Latin sanguis, sanguinis consanguinity, sanguinary, sanguine
sapi-, -sipi- taste, wise Latin sapere "to have a taste, be wise", related to sapor "taste, flavor" insipid, insipience, sapient
sapon- soap Latin sapo, saponis saponification
sarc- flesh Greek σάρξ, σαρκός (sarx, sarkos) sarcophagus
sart- tailor Latin sartor "tailor", from sarcire "to mend" sartorial
sati- enough Latin satis asset, sate, satiate, satiety, satisfy, saturate
saur- lizard, reptile Greek σαῦρος (sauros) dinosaur
sax- rock Latin saxum saxatile, saxicavous, saxicoline, saxifrage, saxifragous
scab- scratch Latin scabere scabies
scal- ladder, stairs Latin scala scalar, scale
scalen- uneven Greek σκαληνός (skalēnos) scalene muscles, scalene triangle
scand-, -scend-, scans-, -scens- climb Latin scandere ascend, descend, transcendent
scaph- anything hollow, bowl, ship Greek σκάφη, σκάφος scaphoid bone
scel- leg, thigh Greek σκέλος, σκέλεος (skelos) isosceles
schem- plan Greek σχῆμα (schēma) schematic
schis- split, cleft Greek σχίζω, σχίσμα (schisma) schism, schismatic
sci- know Latin scire conscience, conscious, conscientious, omniscious, omniscient, prescient, science, scienter
scind-, sciss- split Latin scindere rescind, scissors
scler- hard Greek σκληρός (sklēros) scleroderma, sclerosis, sclerotic
scoli- crooked Greek σκολιός (skolios) scoliosis
scop-, scept- look at, examine, view, observe Greek σκέπτομαι, σκοπός (skopos) horoscope, kaleidoscope, microscope, periscope, scope, stethoscope, telescope
scrib-, script- write Latin scribere, scriptus describe, inscribe, manuscript, prescribe, scribble, scribe, script, scripture, subscribe
scrupl- uneasiness Latin scrupus "sharp stone" scruple, scrupulous, unscrupulous
sculp- carve Latin sculpere, sculptus sculpture
scut- shield Latin scutum scute
scyph- cup Greek σκύφος (skyphos) Scyphozoa
se-, sed- apart Latin se secede, sedition
seb- tallow Latin sebum sebaceous, sebum
sec-, sect-, seg- cut Latin secare secant, section, segment
sed- settle, calm Latin sedare, sedatus sedative
sed-, -sid-, sess- sit Latin sedere, sessus assiduous, insidious, obsession, possess, preside, president, reside, resident, sediment, sedulity, sedulous, session, subside, supersede
sedec- sixteen Latin sedecim sedecimal
seget- in cornfields Latin segetum
sei- shake Greek σείω, σεισμός (seismos) seismograph
selen- moon Greek σελήνη (selēnē) Selene, selenium
sell- saddle, seat Latin sella sella turcica
sema- sign Greek σῆμα (sēma) semantics, semaphore
semi- half Latin semis semifinal
semin- seed Latin semen, seminis insemination
sen- old man Latin senex, senis senator, senescent, senile, senility, senior
sen- six each Latin seni senary
senti-, sens- feel Latin sentire, sensus assent, consensus, consent, dissent, resent, scent, sensation, sense, sensible, sensitive, sensory, sentence, sentient, sentience, sentiment
sept- fence, partition, enclosure Latin saeptum transept
sept- seven Latin septem septennial
septen- seven each Latin septeni septenary
septim- seventh Latin septimus septimal, septime
septuagen- seventy each Latin septuageni septuagenary
septuagesim- seventieth Latin septuagesimus septuagesima, septuagesimal
septuagint- seventy Latin septuaginta Septuagint
sequ-, secut- follow Latin sequere, from sequi, see also secutus consecutive, consequence, ensue, non sequitur, obsequious, prosecute, pursue, second, sequel, sequence, subsequent
ser- sow Latin serere (past participle satus) sative, season, seasonable, seasonal, semen
ser- attach, join Latin serere (past participle sertus) assert, desert, dissertation, exert, insert, serial, serialize, series
ser- body fluid Latin serum serous
ser- late Latin sērus serein, serotine
serp- crawl, creep Latin serpere, serptus serpent
serr- saw, saw-toothed Latin serra, serrare serration
serv- save, protect, serve Latin servare conserve, deserve, observe, preserve, reserve, servant, service, servile, servitude, subservient
sesqui- one and a half Latin sesqui sesquicentennial
set- bristle, hair Latin saeta seta, setose
sever- stern, strict, serious Latin severus severity
sex-, se- six Latin sex semester, sexangle, sexennium
sexagen- sixty each Latin sexageni sexagenary
sexagesim- sixtieth Latin sexagesimus sexagesimal
sext- sixth Latin sextus sextant
sibil- hiss Latin sibilus, sibilare sibilance
sicc- dry Latin siccus desiccation
sider- star Latin sidus, sideris sidereal
sign- sign Latin signum design, designate, insignia, signal, signature, significant
sil- quiet or still Latin silere silence
silv- forest Latin silva silviculture
simi- ape, monkey Latin simia simian
simil-, simul- likeness, imitating Latin simulare "to emulate", from similis "alike" assimilate, dissimilate, dissemble, ensemble, resemble, semblance, similar, similarity, simile, similitude, simulacrum, simular, simulate, simulation, simulator, simultaneous, verisimilar, verisimilitude
singul- one each Latin singulus singular
sinistr- left Latin sinister, sinistri sinistral
sinu- (to draw) a line Latin sinuare insinuate
sinus- hollow, bay Latin sinus sinusoidal
siph- tube Greek σίφων (siphōn) siphon
sist- cause to stand Latin sistere assist, consist, desist, exist, insist, persist, resist, solstice, subsist
sit- food, grain, wheat Greek σῖτος (sitos) sitology
soci- group Latin socius, sociare associate, social
sol- sun Latin sol, solis solar, solstice
sol- comfort, soothe Latin solari consolation, console, solace
sol- alone, only Latin solus desolate, sole, soliloquy, solipsism, solitaire, solitary, solitude, solo
sole- accustomed Latin solere "be accustomed" insolence, insolent, obsolescence, obsolescent, obsolete
solen- pipe, channel Greek σωλήν (sōlēn) solenoid
solv-, solut- loosen, set free Latin solvere, solutus absolute, absolve, dissolute, dissolve, resolute, resolve, soluble, solute, solution, solve, solvent
soma- body Greek σῶμα, σώματος (sōma, sōmatos) somatic
somn- sleep Latin somnus insomnia, somnambulist, somnolent
somni- dream Latin somnium somnial
son- sound Latin sonus dissonance, resonance
soph- wise Greek σοφός (sophos) philosophy, sophism, sophist, sophisticate, sophomore, sophomoric
sopor- deep sleep Latin sopor sopor, soporific
sorb-, sorpt- suck Latin sorbere absorb, absorption
sord- dirt Latin sordes, sordere sordid
soror- sister Latin soror sorority
spars-, -spers- sprinkle Latin spargere asperse, aspersion, disperse, intersperse, sparse
spati- space Latin spatium spatial
spec-, -spic-, spect- look Latin specere aspect, conspicuous, expect, inspect, introspective, prospect, respect, retrospective, species, specific, specimen, specious, speculate, spectacle, spectator
spect- watch, look at Latin spectare spectator
specul- observe Latin speculari speculation
sper- hope Latin spes, sperare desperation, esperance
sperm- seed Greek σπέρμα (sperma) angiosperm
sphen- wedge Greek σφήν (sphēn) sphenoid
spher- ball Greek σφαῖρα (sphaira) hemisphere, sphere, spheroid, stratosphere
sphing-, sphinct- closing Greek σφίγγω sphingein, σφίγγα sphinga sphincter
spic- spike Latin spica spicule
spin- thorn Latin spina spine
spir- breathe Latin spirare aspire, conspire, expire, inspire, perspire, respiration, spirit
spond-, spons- a surety, guarantee; give assurance, promise solemnly Latin spondere, sponsus respond
spondyl- vertebra Greek σπόνδυλος (spondylos) spondylosis
spu-, sput- spew, spit Latin spuere sputum
squal- scaly, dirty, filthy Latin squalere squalid, squalor
squam- scale Latin squama squamous
squarros- spreading at tips Latin squarrosus squarrose
st- cause to stand Greek ἵστημι histēmi, histánai antistatic, ecstatic, stasis, static, systasis, system
st- stand Latin stare "to stand", also causative form statuere "to enact, set", from status "condition, position" circumstance, consist, constant, constitute, distant, extant, instant, obstacle, presto, stable, stamen, stamina, stance, stanchion, stanza, state, station, stationary, statistic, statue, status, staunch, stay, substance, substitute, superstition
stagn- pool of standing water Latin stagnare stagnant
stala- dripping, trickling Greek σταλακτός (stalaktos) and σταλαγμός (stalagmos), both from σταλάζειν (stallassein) "to drip" stalactite, stalagmite
stann- tin Latin stannum stannous
stasi- standing, discord Greek στάσις (stasis) static
statu-, -stitu- stand Latin statuere institution, statute
stear- fat, tallow Greek στέαρ, στέατος (stear, steatos) stearic acid
steg- covering Greek στέγη (stegē), στεγανός (steganos) steganography, Stegosaurus
stell- star Latin stella constellation, stellar
stell- send Greek στέλλω (stellein) apostle, epistle, stole
sten- stand Greek στεναί (stenai) apostasy, apostate
sten- narrow Greek στενός (stenos) stenography, stenosis
stere- solid Greek στερεός (stereos) stereometry
stern-, strat- spread, strew Latin sternere, stratus consternation, prostrate, stratify, stratum, stratus, street
stern- breastbone Greek στέρνον (sternon) sternum
stich- line, row Greek στίχος (stichos) distich
stigmat- mark, puncture Greek στίγμα (stigma) astigmatic, stigma
still- drip Latin stilla, stillare distillation, instill
stimul- goad, rouse, excite Latin stimulus stimulate
stin- stand Latin stinare destination, obstinate
stingu-, stinct- apart Latin stinguere distinction, distinguish
stoch- aim Greek στόχος (stochos) stochastic
stom- mouth Greek στόμα (stoma) stomatoplasty
streper- noise Latin strepere obstreperous
strept- twisted Greek στρεπτός (streptos) Streptococcus
strig- compress Latin strix, strigis strigogyps
strigos- having stiff bristles Latin strigosus from striga strigose
string-, strict- tight, upright, stiff Latin stringere, strictus astringent, constrain, constrict, constringe, restrict, strain, strict, stringent
stroph- turning Greek στροφή (strophē) apostrophe
stru-, struct- to make up, build Latin struere, structus construct, construction, construe, destroy, destruct, instruct, obstruct, structure
stud- dedication Latin studere student
stup- wonder Latin stupere stupid, stupor
styl- column, pillar Greek στῦλος (stulos) Stylites
su-, sut- sew Latin suere, sutus couture, suture
suad-, suas- urge Latin suadere, suasus persuasion
suav- sweet Latin suavis assuage, suave, suavity
sub-, su-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sus- below Latin sub submarine, submerge, suffix, suggest, support
subter- under Latin subter subterfuge
sucr- sugar Latin succarum sucrose
sud- sweat Latin sudare exude, sudoriferous
sui- self Latin sui sui generis, suicide
sulc- furrow Latin sulcus sulcus
sum- sum Latin summare "to sum up", from summa "sum" consummate, consummation, sum, summa cum laude, summary, summation
sum-, sumpt- take Latin sumere, sumptus assume, assumption, consume, consumption, presumption, subsume
super- above, over Latin super insuperable, soprano, sovereign, summit, superable, superb, supercilious, supercomputer, superficial, superfluous, superheat, superimpose, superior, superlative, supermarket, supernal, supernatural, supernova, superposition, superpower, superscript, supersede, supersonic, superstition, supervene, supervise, supreme, supremum, surname, surplus, surround, survive
supin- lying back Latin supinus supination, supine
supra- above, over Latin supra supranationalism
surd- deaf Latin surdus absurdity
surg- rise Latin surgere resurgent
syn-, sy-, syl-, sym- with Greek σύν (sun) symbol, symmetry, sympathy, synchronous, synonym, system
syring- pipe Greek σύριγξ, σύριγγος (syrinx, syringos) syringe

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