Greek and Latin roots in English_T

Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples
tac-, -tic- be silent Latin tacere, tacitus reticent, reticence, tacit, taciturn
tach- swift Greek ταχύς (tachus) tachometer, tachycardia
taeni- ribbon Greek ταινία (tainia) taenidium, taeniodont, Taeniolabis
tal- ankle Latin talus talus bone
tang-, -ting-, tact-, tag- touch Latin tangere (past participle tactus) attain, contact, contagious, contingent, contingency, contiguous, intact, tactile, tangent, tangible
tapet- carpet Latin tapete, tapetis tapestry, tapetum, tapis
tard- slow Latin tardus retard, tardigrade, tardy
tars- ankle Greek ταρσός (tarsos, a flat basket) tarsal
taur- bull Greek ταῦρος (tauros) Minotaur
taur- bull Latin taurus Taurus
tax- arrangement, order Greek τάξις (taxis) taxonomy
techn- art, skill Greek τέχνη (technē) technology
teg-, tect- cover Latin tegere, tectus integument, protection
tele- far, end Greek τῆλε (tēle) telecast, telegram, telegraph, telepathy, telephone, telescope, television
tele- complete Greek τέλος (telos) teleology
temn- cut Greek τέμνω (temnō) Temnospondyli
tempor- time Latin tempus, temporis contemporaneous, contemporary, extemporaneous, tempo, temporal, temporary
ten-, -tin-, tent- hold Latin tenere, tentus abstain, contain, content, contents, continence, continent, continue, countenance, detain, detention, entertain, maintain, pertain, pertinacious, pertinacity, pertinent, retention, tenacious, tenacity, tenant, tenet, tenor, untenable
tend-, tens- stretch, strain Latin tendere (past participle tensus) attend, contend, contention, contentious, extend, extension, extent, intend, ostensible, ostentatious, portend, portent, portentous, pretense, tend, tendentious, tendency, tender, tensile, tension
tenu- slender, thin Latin tenuare "make thin", from tenuis "thin" attenuate, extenuate, tenuous
tep- be warm Latin tepere tepid, tepor
ter-, trit- rub Latin terere, tritus attrition, contrite, detritus, trite
teret- rounded Latin teres, teretis subterete, teretial
terg-, ters- wipe Latin tergere, tersus detergent, terse
termin- boundary, limit, end Latin terminus determine, terminal, termination
tern- three each Latin terni ternary, ternion
terr- earth Latin terra inter, subterranean, terrace, terracotta, terrain, terrarium, terrestrial, territory
terti- third Latin tertius tertian, tertiary
test- witness Latin testis attest, contest, detest, protest, testament, testify, testimony
tetr- four Greek τέσσαρες (tessares) tetrahedron, tetrode
tex-, text- weave Latin texere, textus context, subtle, pretext, text, textile, texture
thalam- chamber, bed Greek θάλαμος (thalamos) hypothalamus
thalass- sea Greek θάλασσα (thalassa) Panthalassa, thalassemia
than- death Greek θάνατος (thanatos) euthanasia, thanatology
the-, thus- god Greek θεός (theos) atheism, enthusiasm, monotheism, polytheism, theology
the- put Greek τίθημι (tithēmi), θήκη (thēkē) antithesis, Bibliotheca, deem, doom, epithet, hypothesis, synthesis, theca, thematic, theme, Themis, thesis
thel- nipple Greek θηλή (thēlē) epithelium, thelium, thelial
theori- speculation Greek θεωρία (theōria) theorem, theory
ther- beast, animal Greek θήρ, θηρός (thēr) theroid, theropod
therm- heat, warm Greek θερμός (thermos) thermal, endotherm, hypothermia, thermometer, thermos, thermostat
thym- mood Greek θυμός (thumos) dysthymia
thyr- door Greek θύρα (thura) thyratron
thyre- large shield Greek θυρεός (thureos) Thyreophora, thyroid, thyrotropin, thyroxine
tim- be afraid Latin timere timid, timorous
-tim- most Latin -timus, e.g. in intimus "inmost", optimus "best", ultimus "last" intimate, intimation, optimum, ultimate
ting-, tinct- moisten Latin tingere, tinctus tincture
tom- cut Greek τομή (tome), τόμος (tomos) anatomy, appendectomy, atom, dichotomy, ectomy, embolectomy, tome, tonsillectomy, vasectomy
ton- stretch Greek τόνος (tonos) isotonic, monotone, tone
top- place Greek τόπος (topos) atopy, isotope, topiary, topic, topography, topology, toponymy, utopia
torn-, tourn- turn or rotate Latin from Greek tornare < τόρνος (tornos) tornado, tournament
torpe- be numb Latin torpere torpent, torpid, torpor
torqu-, tort- twist Latin torquere, tortus contort, distort, extort, extortion, retort, torque, torsion, tortuous, torture
tot- all, whole Latin totus subtotal, total, totality
tox- arrow, bow Greek τόξον (toxon) antitoxin, intoxicate, toxic, toxology, toxoplasmosis
trab- beam Latin trabs, trabis trabeculae
trachy- rough Greek τραχύς (trachus) trachea
trag- goat Greek τράγος (tragos) tragus
trah-, tract- draw, pull Latin tractare, frequentative of trahere, tractus attract, contract, detract, retract, subtract, subtrahend, tractable, traction, tractor
trans-, tra-, tran- across Latin trans intransigent, tradition, transact, transcend, transient, transitory, transport
trapez- four-sided, table Greek τράπεζα (trapeza) trapezius, trapezoid
traum- wound Greek τραῦμα (trauma) trauma, traumatic, traumatize
trecent- three hundred Latin trecenti trecentennial, trecentillion
tredec- thirteen Latin tredecim tredecimal
treiskaidek- thirteen Greek τρεισκαίδεκα (treiskaideka) triskaidekaphobia
trem- tremble Latin tremere tremor
trema- hole Greek τρῆμα (trēma) monotreme, trematode
trepid- tremble Latin trepidare "to tremble, hurry", from trepidus "alarmed, scared" intrepid, trepid, trepidation
tri- three Greek τρεῖς, τρία (treis, tria) triad, trigon, triode, tripod
tri- three Latin trēs triangle, triumvirate, trivia
trib- rub Greek τρίβειν (tribein) diatribe, tribology
tribu- pay Latin tribuere "to pay", from tribus attribute, contribute, retribution, tribe, tribulation, tribunal, tribune, tributary, tribute
tricen- thirty each Latin triceni tricenary
tricesim-, trigesim- thirtieth Latin tricesimus trigesimal
trich- hair Greek θρίξ, τριχός (thrix, trichos) peritrichous, trichopathophobia, Trichoptera
trin- three each Latin trini trinary, trine, trinity
trit- third Greek τρίτος (tritos) tritagonist
tritic- wheat Latin triticum triticale
troch- wheel Greek τροχός (trochos) trochlea
trop- turning Greek τρόπος (tropos) contrive, heliotropism, isotrope, psychotropic, retrieve, trope, tropic, tropism, troposphere, troubadour, trove
troph- feed, grow Greek τροφή, τροφός (trophos) dystrophy, pogonotrophy, trophic
truc- fierce Latin trux, trucis truculent
trud-, trus- thrust Latin trudere, trusus extrusion, intrude
trunc- cut off Latin truncare "to maim, mutilate", from truncus "mutilated, cut off" trench, trenchant, truncate, truncheon, trunk
tum- to swell up Latin tumere contumely, contumacious, tumid, tumor, tumular, tumulose, tumulous, tumult, tumultuous
turb- disturb Latin turba disturb, perturb, turbid, turbine, turbulent,
tuss- cough Latin tussis, tussire pertussis
tympan- drum Greek τύμπανον (tumpanon) tympani
typ- stamp, model Greek τύπος (tupos) archetype, phenotype, prototype, type, typewriter, typical, typify, typography, typology

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